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Project B: A Catalyst for Social Change

Writer: APU TimesAPU Times

Written by: Adam Foroozan Margiadi

Edited by: Wong “Louie” Yi Shion

Ever wondered how you could impact the world while being at APU? Look no further as APU’s Project B has been the premier launch platform to help students' social initiatives take off. 

Since 2017, the Student Office has offered various incentives to help support student extracurricular activities. Depending on the type of activity, different subsidies and advisory support are given to students. The most famous out of all these incentives would have to be Project B, where students can present their creative endeavors that would reach beyond cultural boundaries and ensure collaboration among the local and international community. The goal of Project B is to allow students to apply their learning from class to reality through practical application. 

To better understand the scope it takes to be selected as a Project B group, APU Times interviewed two of the selected groups chosen last year. Firstly, we have Ajnas Ahmed, a 7th-semester APM student from India who co-founded Genect, a project where they aim “to connect multiple generations.”

The basic concept is to recruit APU students from various countries and bring them to local nursing homes within Oita Prefecture.  As these students visit these nursing homes, they begin by introducing their countries and cultures to the elderly. Afterwards, the students are given the opportunity to converse and connect with the residents more personally. Afterwards, the recruited students receive a guided tour around the facility.

When asked about how he came up with this project, Ajnas paused for a moment and then began to explain the project's background. “When I was in my 5th semester, I got a chance to do an internship at [a] nursing home in Oita. After spending some quality time with the elderly, it was an eye-opening experience. I actually have quite a close relationship with [my] grandparents and saw how the nursing home residents felt isolated from the outside world. After the internship, the [elderly] were like telling me: ‘Please come again..we want to see you again. " That's when the idea about connecting APU students  and nursing homes came to be…”

Inspired by this, he returned back to APU where he started working on a rough concept of connecting APU students and nursing homes. At the time, he did not even know that Project B existed as an incentive. “I initially started this project as its own thing and then when I came to know about Project B, I was like why not [make it a] Project B.”  As the project grew he recruited 3 other members and applied for the Project B selection process.

Since receiving the Student Office’s support, Genect has been able to expand its operations to conduct events at two different nursing homes, one in Beppu City and another in Oita City.  They recently held events in April and are planning to host more in the following months until July.

Ajnas has also begun sharing Genect’s story and expanded its reach beyond APU. He recently spoke at TEDx Tokyo about his experiences running Genect. Furthermore, the organization was signed up for the One Beppu Dream Award, a local competition to boost startups. Genect reached the final round of the competition and has since begun receiving advisory support from Oita Mirai Shinkin Ginkou.

Secondly, there is Imam Hossain, an 8th-semester APM student from Bangladesh. He is the leader of the APU Debaters Circle, which is registered as the Green Commons Conclave for Project B.  APU Debaters originally started as a circle where APU students would have weekly mock debates, do workshops for new students, and join debate competitions. As the circle grew, they began looking for ways to expand a debate platform not only for circle members exclusively, but also for the APU Community in general.

As the time for Project B applications rolled around, the APU Debaters members thought it would be the perfect opportunity for them to use the platform to launch their circle. “Actually, we wanted to start this project around the start of my 3rd year. We thought amongst us leaders [of APU Debaters]. We thought that Project B would be a good avenue to extend the stage of debating to not only club members but also all the APU students.”

They took inspiration from the Oxford Union, an international forum held by Oxford University where high-profile individuals engage in debate regarding various outstanding topics.  To mimic this style, the APU Debaters came up with the idea of holding an open debate forum near the J building stairs. Within this area, they wanted to create an open layout in which judges, debate members, and the audience can actively participate in discussions regarding APU-related issues. As the forum is open to all APU students, they can choose to join as debaters or audience members. The audience members may even chime in to ask questions or give their own remarks to add onto the discussion.

After receiving approval, the Green Commons Conclave’s inaugural event was held in January 2024, and featured a debate regarding Article 9 of the Japan Constitution.  A second rendition of the event is planned to be held on June 7th and a follow-up event. As GCC continues to grow in attendees and popularity, Imam hopes to see not just APU students but also professors get more involved in the discussions. “For the second event, we are planning to have professors as debaters… You always see professors just discussing topics in class but never really see them address their own opinions.” The circle also plans to host a 2-day workshop with local Japanese high school students and help teach them the art of English debating.

Imam believes that having a debate platform is important for the longevity of having healthy discussions among different people.  It is unclear whether GCC will last beyond Imam’s time as its leader, but he believes that as new leaders rise up, these debate forums will continue to exist and thrive.

Both Ajnas and Imam have been able to put forth their visions into reality through Project B support and they hope to see more APU students follow their path.  Ajnas’ and Imams’ words of advice for creating a successful Project B are:

To create value for people who need it. Everything else will just fall into place.” - Ajnas Ahmed

"Use this opportunity in Project B to bring one of your ideas to reality; experience what investment feels like in terms of startups." - Imam Hossain        


APU生として社会に何か影響を与えられることはないか、と考えたことはありませんか?Project Bは、学生の社会への第一歩としての飛躍に最適な環境です。


プロジェクトBに選抜されるためには何が必要なのでしょうか?APUTimesは昨年選抜された2つのチームにインタビューを行いました。Ajnas Ahmedさんはインド出身の7セメスター目で、「多様な世代をつなぐ」ことを目的としたプロジェクト、【Genect】を共同設立しました。


このプロジェクトを思いついた経緯について尋ねると、Ajnasは少し間を置きプロジェクトの背景を説明し始めました。 「5セメスター目の時、大分の老人ホームにてインターンシップに参加しました。高齢者の方々と充実したひと時を過ごしましたが、私にとっては目からウロコの体験でした。私は祖父母とかなり親しい関係にあり、老人ホームの入居者がいかに社会から孤立しているかを目の当たりにしたのです。インターンシップが終わるとお年寄りの皆さんは『また是非きてね、また会いたいよ』と仰いました。」こうしてAPU生と老人ホームのつながりに着目するようになりました。



またAjnasは【Genect】での取り組みを共有するようになり、APUという枠を超えた活動を始めています。彼は最近TEDx Tokyo にて【Genect】での経験について講演を行いました。さらに、【Genect】はスタートアップを後押しする地元のコンテストである「One Beppu Dream Award」に出場しました。 【Genect】は最終選考に残り、大分みらい信用金庫からの援助を受けはじめています。

 2人目はバングラデシュ出身8セメスター目の Imam Hossainさんです。彼はAPUDebaters Circleのリーダーで、プロジェクトBに【Green Commons Conclave】 として選ばれました。 APUディベーターズはもともと、APU生が毎週模擬ディベートをしたり、新入生向けのワークショップを開いたり、ディベート大会に参加したりするサークルとして始まりました。サークルが大きくなるにつれて、メンバーに限らずAPU全体として討論が行えるように輪を広げようと試みました。



APUディベーターズは、オックスフォード大学が主催する国際フォーラム「オックスフォード・ユニオン」にヒントを得て、著名人が様々なテーマについて討論を行う「オープン・ディベート・フォーラム」の開催を思いつきました。APUディベーターズはこのスタイルを模倣し、J棟階段付近でオープンディベートを行うことを発案しました。このエリアでは、審査員、ディベートメンバー、聴衆がAPUに関連する問題について積極的に議論できるオープンなレイアウトにしたいと考えました。このフォーラムは APUの学生なら誰でも参加でき、ディベーターとして参加することも、オーディエンスとして参加することもできます。また、聴衆からの質問や発言も可能です。

【Green Commons Conclave】(GCC)は、2024年1月に第1回を開催し、日本国憲法第9条に関するディベートを行いました。 6月7日には第2回が開催され、今後の開催も予定されていますが、参加者と人気を集めるにつれ、ImamはAPUの学生だけでなく、教授陣にもディスカッションに参加してもらいたいと考えるようになりました。「教授が授業でトピックについて議論する姿はよく見かけますが、自分の意見を述べる姿はあまり見かけません。サークルはまた、地元の日本の高校生と2日間のワークショップを開催し、彼らに英語ディベートの技術を教える手助けをする予定です。」

Imam は、人々の間で議論を長く続けるためには討論の場を持つことが重要だと考えています。 Imamの後継者として新しい指導者が台頭すれば、GCCのような討論の場は存在し発展し続けるだろうと彼は信じています。

Ajnas とImamはプロジェクトBの支援を通してそれぞれのビジョンを実現することが出来ました。 AjnasとImam は次のようにプロジェクトBの成功に向けたアドバイスを語りました:

“To create value for people who need it. Everything else will just fall into place.” - Ajnas Ahmed

“必要とする人々のために価値を創造すること。そうすればあとはきっと上手くいきます。.” - Ajnas Ahmed

Ajnas Ahmed

"Use this opportunity in Project B to bring one of your ideas to reality; experience what investment feels like in terms of startups." - Imam Hossain

"プロジェクトBという機会を活かして自分のアイデアを実現させるのです。スタートアップとしてのチャレンジを経験してみましょう!" - Imam Hossain

Imam Hossain


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